Currently 50 of the Capuchin friars who make up the Province of Saint Joseph are over 80 years old and retired. Others have suffered failing health and have entered convalescent care.
Today, the annual expenses of providing for them has increased to over $1,000,000! That is much more than the “salaries” and stipends the younger, active Capuchins are able to earn.
Most of the senior and retired Capuchin Friars started out as students at Saint Lawrence Seminary. Many ministered here for most of their religious lives.
Our senior and retired friars, along with friars with urgent health needs, need your generous support. These good men can no longer earn a salary or work outside the Friary. They have always cared generously for others in ministry, today they need you and I to care for them.
Please consider a special sacrifice to safeguard the future of our Capuchin Province by caring with us for the Senior friars. God bless you for your generous spirit!