Your prayers and support make their journey of faith possible!
Nearly one hundred forty young men from across the United States and other countries are attending Saint Lawrence Seminary this year. They have come here to explore God’s call to lives of service in the Church as priests, religious, and dedicated lay leaders.
Every young man at Saint Lawrence Seminary receives a “scholarship” of over $30,000. This financial support helps cover the difference between what is asked of his family and the true annual cost of educating, feeding, and providing for a young man at the seminary. Nevertheless, many of the young men attending Saint Lawrence this year require additional tuition aid. Some families can afford less than half the tuition. They truly sacrifice and struggle to send their son to the Seminary.
Your support of our Annual Seminarian Appeal is vital. Please consider an extraordinary gift to help sponsor just one young man at Saint Lawrence Seminary this year.
- $40 would help cover one seminarian’s “scholarship” for half a day of the school year.
- $75 would roughly cover one seminarian’s “scholarship” for one day.
- $583 would sponsor one seminarian for one week of school.
Thank you in advance for responding so generously to our Annual Seminarian Appeal!
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