Easter Blessings

Jesus told his disciples that the Son of man will suffer, will be rejected and killed, and on the third day, will be raised. Luke 9: 22
On behalf our seminarians, my Capuchin confreres and lay colleagues, I convey to you—with great joy—
our Easter message and blessing.
Our Lenten journey has come to an end. We commemorate the Lord’s Passion and Death on Good Friday. Soon we are in the glorious Season of Easter, celebrating the Lord’s Resurrection.
Jesus’ Passion and Death are a testament of his obedience to the Father and of his love for us.
While his resurrection is a testament of the Father’s delight in him. Easter reminds us that the love that God the Father and Jesus the Son have for us is munificent. Easter also teaches us that sacrifices when made freely and born out of love are precious in the sight of God.
And God rewards them with grace upon grace. Easter is an opportune time for us to express our gratitude to you— our beloved benefactors— for your generous gifts in support of the mission of St. Lawrence Seminary. We are indeed mindful of the sacrifices you have made, and we are truly grateful for the love you have shown us through the years.
May God, who sees our good deeds, delight in your generosity and reward you abundantly here on earth and in heaven. Know that you are always in our hearts and in our prayers. And you are lifted up to the Lord in all of our celebrations of the Holy Eucharist.
And so . . .May Almighty God bless you throughout the Easter Season and, in his compassion, defend you always and keep you safe. And may He, who restores you to eternal life in the resurrection of his Son, endow you with the prize of immortality. Now that the days of the Lord’s Passion are over, may you celebrate the Paschal feast with gladness and await in joyful hope that eternal banquet with him in heaven.
And may the blessing of Almighty God,
The Father, † the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down upon you and remain with you forever.
On behalf our seminarians, my Capuchin confreres and lay colleagues,
I wish you a blessed and joyful Easter!